KUKA robot control cabinet external fan maintenance.


When we actually use the robot, we will find that after using the robot for a period of time, there will be a prompt on the instructor: the external fan speed is too low, at this time you need to maintain the fan to clear the dust, the possible reason is that the dust on the fan is too large, resulting in the fan speed is too low. If the fan is indicated to be damaged, a new fan is required.

Preparation conditions for fan replacement:

1. The robot control system must be shut down and protected against accidental restart.

Disconnect the power cord.

3. All maintenance is carried out under the premise of safety. This article shall not be responsible for any problems arising.


Operation steps:

1. Unplug the fan plug X14 on the control cabinet.

2. Remove the back plate.

3. Remove the bolt of lead port (2), rotate the cover plate to the left and pull out the connecting wire (X14)

4. Remove the bolt of fan rack and remove it forward with fan (1).

5. Clear grey.

6. Install, fix, and connect new fans and racks in reverse order.